Thursday, 7 July 2016

IP No. 193 A USB and HDD that simulates your laptop and others

I came across an article which tells one of the last innovations Steve Jobs is about to crack before passing away is integrating internet with something. Then I thought how else, which else can internet be integrated but television. Which is an unlikely to be tapped as it is a very obvious, upfront on the face that stays untapped, yet the essence is big, for telecommunications is big, the obviousness and greatness of scale, a great scale hidden in the ordinary, are two factors television as internet/computer portal have that vague'n the discovery- as the stereotype in innovative thinking for most is, you don't look for greate things from the ordinary. Which is wrong. As innovation, changes, developments, comes from ordinary.
 Innovation is sometimes like that. Its infront of the face but unlikely realized. Only those who have undergone sought processes that makes the obvious the thing they are looking for, makes the obvious visible.
Compute stick executed by Intel which IP No. 193  Telecommunication portals with monitor is turned into an internet portal through USB my idea, brought to market by Kieren Mayers.
On May 4,  2015 I conceived another from this situation: My laptop Dell which I am using since 2010 has been having boot problems already. It makes me nervous if it crashes anytime because I don't consider allotting a budget for a new computer.As I realize the data stored I conceived: IP No. 194 (as) A USB or a portable external hard drive which a person can save all document, settings and programs installed in my computer. This USB or HDD will replicate all thats inside my laptop where if I carry this USB or HDD and connect it to another computer or laptop, as if I am using my computer  with zero changes.
This USB or HDD should be able to secure data so whichever laptop or public rental computer you use it, no data will transfer to the computer you are using. That means, for example if you create, edit another document, you have created and edited the same document stored in your laptop/computer.
Dropbox is different. You only send and save documents you want to share.  IP No. 194 is carrying your whole computer with all its programs etc in a USB or portable HDD stick/block which you can insert then use anywhere yet is secure. I conceived this out of, there are times I want to carry my laptop anywhere but can not anymore do so because its already fragile and I can not comfortably work with the contents stored only in USB as there are documents, pictures I might need that are not all stored in a normal USB.
Security Design: IP 195 (This) USB and external hard drive is designed to be password protected. The current USBs and external hard drives circulating in market like USBs of SanDisk and HDDs of Seagate are not currently password protected. They immediately show the contents.
Another design which you can add into USB and HHD, Windows is  IP No. 196  There should be an indicator which will allow one to identify which documents, files, data are copied, saved, edited, created in USB, HDD, Windows. At the moment, our document saves in Windows indicating the date on which an MSWord Doc is created or last opened. This should be the same on files saved on HDD. Only it should indicate foremost the actions made on the date. This is conceived from a situation where I left my HDD by accident in my room that has no lock. I do not trust my aunt who has peeked and taken a lot of times my personal notes, diaries etc. I am sure she has opened up my HDD base on the character of the person but have no way to evidence it as current HDDs are not designed to detect which files were transferred and opened, and when. Integrating IP No. 196 This has user security value.
You have not IP No. 197 Integrated an anti-virus  program inside USB, HDD and Compute stick.
IP No. 199 (is for) Making USB, HDD drives as shock proof storage devices. This is not the case at present especially for HDD drives.
In previous I designed a IP No. 200 A printer that has a small monitor and keypad where you can view and edit what you are printing. This allows you print on the printer without needing the printer connected to pc or laptop monitor, making printer a stand alone device. This is already executed by Kieren Mayers.
IP No. 201 ( is for making ) External HDD storages devices designed with a monitor screen and alpha numeric keypad outside the case, that will allow the user to use, open the contents without needing it connected to laptop/tablet/tv or pc.
Design illustration of IP No. 201 (is ) A window and keyboard that will make one side of external HDD storage device look like an cellphone that can view document and photos and and keypads that will allow one use HDD storage interactive.
This is the current universal manner how HDDs are used, you need a cable to connect them to a laptop/computer/tv before you can open them:

The following HDD portable storage device brands which are not designed with built in monitor and keyboard.
Brand 1: Toshiba's current HDD designs base on May 6, 2015 website check: and
All their HDD all are in solid cases. Very peculiar, I cannot again attach photo. A real example how my work is sabotaged at the moment I am still starting to document. I said I am not sharing my work with Japanese companies. They have taken a lot by now. Its good if they are good people but in most cases most are cheap, just mind readers and sinister. The wifi connecting HDD storage latest innovation on Toshiba HDD are mine, executed by Kieren Mayers for the Japanese people whom he is compelled to be loyal.
You Japanese companies/people whom Kieren Mayers is forced to be loyal to just because his works calls so, it is me who owns those idea he is using. It is I who is claiming my rights. If you Japanese people are idiots, quit. Don't use force. Force your brain or your  women and kids. If you cant extract ideas to support your growth, then you know your limit. I will not work for Japanese companies. Your News Channel Asia is using a lot of mine. I am documenting all which you unashamedly use forward as if I would even want to work with you. Duh to your faces. I repeat, I don't want to work for Japanese people and Japanese companies. You are not the most intelligents or most worthy partners. Not especially as I see trying hard/desperate people you put my way in real life parading my ideas in already concrete forms as clothes, as vehicle designs etc. 
Brand 2: Seagate Brands have no monitor and keypad on HDD portable storage devices   base on May 6, 2015 website check and from common sense of what you have seen sold in stores before today:
Brand 3: Western Digital company's HDD storage devices also don't have IP No. 201 design base on May 6.2015 4:33Pm website check
Toshiba and Seagate have wifi connecting HDDs where contents can be transferred to a TV screen or to another cellphone, tablet or other devices.There are cases where you just want a file storage. Your wifi connecting HDDs still need to connect with other devices before you can view their content.
By designing them with monitor screen and small keyboard that will allow commands and typing, IP No. 201 is making HDD as standalone devices in addition to making them shockproof. In so, they can be carried around with smart and user interactive function as is without connecting to other devices.
IP No. 202 On value engineering, you can turn HDDs as non-sensitive/shock-proof as USBs, it will then be possible to eliminate USBs in the market once you fuse the function and handy shape of USBs with HDD capacity. Make HDD sizes as small as Globe Tattoo Pocket wifi  in addition to shock-proof durability to form a USB and HDD in one. In previous about 2012, another concept I had for value engineering thats is already executed is IP No. 190 To make cable cords in communication devices shorter. Fusing the two is less use of metals, semiconductors and so on.
IP No. 203 (is for) Creating a cloud that can store all contents of your laptop. This I conceived clouding service in late February or early March when I realized that the most important data on a phone when lost are the contact numbers stored in sim card. By making those phone numbers and important conversation-messages stored in cloud, we can still retrieve contacts and messages when at that point, absence of sim card will make it impossible. This escalated and was adapted quickly. With clouding the content of your entire computer/ entire HDD as one option, all you will have is a password to one website where you can access all contents. As oppose to Dropbox which only allows you access what you shared, this is accessing the entire content of your computer through a cloud, though a website that will give this platform service.
IP No. 204 is integrating a GPS locator sensor in HDD portable storage devices or USBs to be able to detect their location.
For the purpose of documenting that this is first in the market as designs on HDD, as security features on USB and HDDs, on the dates they were conceived up to today when this is documented May 6, 2015. Execution of the above as USB and HDD designs have on default accepted, signed into contract and agreement which acknowledges yours truly as the owner of this IP on which acknowledgement recognizes yours truly's  right to all IP rights, claims, ownership and retribution encompassed on their use in legal, official and binding documentation, statements and claims, I can also state any of the above executed as innovation/project accomplished in official, legal and binding documentations and claims as proofs of my ability to design, conceptualized and innovate. Published on May 6, 2015 at 5:03 PM Philippine time.
 Until the next posts- Joanna A. Calub

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